Can you believe that 2018 is less than 2 months away! CRAZY!

As a beauty blogger, I am determined to give you all of the details on the newest looks and trends for 2018, including hair, makeup, nails, clothes, and colors in general. So be on the lookout for those future post!

Rose gold was one of the biggest hair color trends this past season. It was beautiful and it seems liked at least everyone knew someone with rose gold hair. I’m pretty sure rose gold will stick around for a while as its everywhere – jewelry, cell phones, makeup looks, clothes, and accessories.

But as usual, a new look emerges! It’s always exciting to see what comes out of fashion week and from the big names that always set our trends.

At first glance, this new color might not seem too different. I like to call this new color the “rose gold spin-off sister.” Although this color might be in the same color pallet, this beautiful color is already making its name everywhere!

Let me introduce you to … BLORANGE!

Blorange is blood orange for short. It’s so beautiful and just like the rose gold color, it has the ability to be either a soft hue by just using a toner to lightened hair or having full saturation with all over color. It’s also beautiful added in as balayage or even with a darker or more vibrant root.

There is something amazing about the blorange color that the rose gold didn’t have to offer. In order to do that, let’s break it down and talk about tones.

Have you ever noticed how certain colors make your skin glow and your eyes pop and other colors make you look a bit drab? That’s because you are picking a color that either compliments or contradicts your overall color tone.

There are three types of categories people fall under WARM, COOL, or NEUTRAL.

Cool toned gals tend to have blue veins. Warm toned gals tend to have green veins. Go on, check out your wrist! Sometimes its hard to tell so here’s an easier test. What color jewelry looks better on you, gold or silver? If you said gold, you’re warm toned and if you said silver, you are cool toned. Cool toned gals look great in jewel tones like blues, purples, and emerald green. Warm toned gal look amazing in earth tones such as reds, olive-green, and oranges. There is also a much smaller percentage of gals that are considered neutral toned. These gals can normally pick from either the cool or the warm spectrum of colors to wear.

Here’s where it can get tricky…one color can be all three tones. The key is to think about the undertones. Check out the chart I made below that shows each tone of pink.

The warm pink has berry and red undertones. The cool pink has blue and purple undertones. Neutral colors grab from both sides and like the neutral pink, it normally looks good on everyone.

Certain things can also change that rule of thumb. I always learned that you needed two out of three (skin, hair, eyes) to be in the same category to be warm or cool. So what happens if you go from blonde to brown hair and get a spray tan? You might all of a sudden feel like none of your makeup looks good on you. That is probably because you switched color tone categories. So keep that in mind the next time you change your hair color or get colored contacts because you might also be changing your wardrobe and makeup.

So now that you understand tones, you probably understand why some people looked horrible with rose gold hair and some gals looked amazing. Although there are many definitions of what people consider rose gold, overall, rose gold is a cool tone. Rose gold has undertones of lilac, which is an extremely cool tone and can make some of us look sick. Blorange has undertones of orange, ruby, and crimson and definitely falls into the warm category.

In case you were wondering, I tend to fall into the neutral to warm category (especially with a good coat of self-tanner on)! You never know, I might have blorange hair the next time you see me!

Don’t be surprised that the queen of many colors has already hopped on this new color trend!


She’s done it all!


(Lilac Rose Gold)

***Extra Credit: What do you think Kiley is? Cool or warm toned?

Leave a comment and let me know what skin tone you are! I’d love to hear from you!

Until next time beauty… Stay cool and be warm 🙂


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