Drinking More Water: 16 Easy Tips and Tricks

Drinking more water while working


If you’re like me (and it seems like a lot of women are) it can be really hard to drink a lot of water each day. Everyone’s goal is different. My personal goal right now is to drink 96 ounces of water or 3/4 of a gallon. One thing I have noticed is I will go in waves of being able to drink water easily and then somedays it takes a lot to just get down 32 ounces. I have noticed that once I start drinking more water it becomes easy to get it down.

It is all about putting it into practice and making it a habit. Your body will get used to it and adapt to the new changes. Did you know that your scalp creates oil to hydrate your skin which can make your hair oily? So how do some people go a week without washing? They train their bodies. The body finally realizes, “oh we don’t need to make as much oil daily because it will still be there tomorrow to nourish it.” Just like slowing down the production of scalp oil, your body can also learn that it can flush out toxins quicker and move through your body more effectively if you are drinking more water but until you do make those changes, your body is holding onto every drop of water you give it.

Just be patient, it might take a couple days for your body to realize that you are making some permanent changes so it can follow suit and start craving what it needs. During those days, slowly work up to bigger amounts. Trust me, your body is going to work with you.

So what about those random days where it just seems daunting and impossible to drink ANOTHER 96 ounces of plain old water? Well, my friend, just give your self grace and start back the next day. I also have a few more helpful tips when you get bored of water down below!

Big Drinking More Water Bottle


One of my biggest issues with drinking water and having a goal to hit is I have a horrible memory. I also normally have a million other things on my mind. Was that glass 3 or 4? When you are doing something every day the task run together. That is why people use reminders in their phone to take their vitamins or pills. It becomes a blur whether rolling out of bed and taking them happened today or yesterday.

To help my self and hopefully you too, I came up with a super cute print off for your cup. All you have to do is download the free PDF and cut it out at the bottom. Then just take some cute washi tape (I love these) or plain clear tape and tape it to your cup. Before I go to refill my cup I just check it off so I can keep track. It is also pretty fulfilling to check it off and keeps you motivated. 

Drinking More Water - Flavored


Not really in a place where a pen is convenient to carry? No problem! Grab a pack of stickers and drop a sticker on your chart when you finish a glass. You can easily tape the sticker sheet right to your cup on the other side so you do not have a loose sticker sheet with you at all times. Also can we just all agree that just because we are adults doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be allowed to use stickers!


One practical tip for drinking more water is setting a goal. How do you know if you are drinking enough water if you don’t have a plan. What ever it is, set a goal and find a cup that works with it and that doesn’t mean a gallon jug. Speaking of cups, I love having a cute cup that brings me joy to drink out of- and you should too, trust me it helps to have a fun cup or two or three. However, not all cups have marks on it to show how much water it holds, and its a pain to carry around a massive bottle everywhere instead of refilling it. If your cup doesn’t have a ounces marker on it, just fill up a measuring cup with water and fill your cup up until its full. Then you can calculate if your cup is 16oz, or 20oz, or 32oz (the most standard sizes) and know how many bottles you need to drink to reach your goal.
***Note: there is 8oz in 1 cup.

Drinking More Water - pretty glasses
Drinking more water out of a pretty glass cup


Like I said above, sometimes it’s really hard to keep drinking plain old water. A couple of things I have learned is I am super picky about how my water taste. And also since I am such a weirdo, it freaks me out to fill a water bottle out of a bathroom sink if we are in a hotel or something. The other week, I saw my bestie fill her bottle up straight from the hotel tub. Eww. (I know, it’s totally drinkable and safe.)

It also seems to take a while for me to get used to an area’s water, or even someone’s fridge filtered water. My favorite water is the vapor distilled water but since I am not a fan of going through a million plastic bottles, I make do without. 

Drinking More Water - Bubbly Water
Drinking More Water – Peach Bubbly canned drink

Here Are 16 Easy Tips and Tricks to Drink More Water:

  1. Get your free PDF chart below.
  2. Add flavors to your water such as fresh fruit or even herbs like basil or mint.
  3. Squeeze in some bottled lemon or lime juice, this helps a ton if the water has a funny taste!
  4. Add rose water (my mom’s favorite and Lebanese inspired). Also apparently great for other purposes than just your skin externally.
  5. Add tea bags or herbal tea bags to your water (drop it right in cold and it will flavor it. (Wait 10 min for full strength.)
  6. Add veggie flavors like cucumber (cucumber, strawberry, mint is awesome).
  7. Swap out regular water for unsweet iced tea. 
  8. Have unsweetened sparkling water for a treat or a soda substitute.
  9. Get a cup that is easy for you to drink out of. I’ll drop my favorites below.
  10. Add a straw. Sometimes straws are just easier to drink with and you can do it handless.
  11. Skip the straw. Change is good.
  12. Buy yourself a new cup every once in a while. Just like a new work out an outfit can motivate, so can a new cup!
  13. Grab a bestie and hold each other accountable. Send each other a pic of your chart at the end of the day.
  14. Drink a full glass in the morning. I take some pills in the morning so I try to drink a cup in the morning. I fill it up the night before and have it ready for me when I wake up. Not only is it great to wake your body up with a big cup of water, but it makes you not as hungry, helps your digestive system get moving, and you are one glass down already!
  15. Make it colder or warmer. Some people love an icy cold drink.
  16. If you are on vacation or think the water taste funky or dirty tasting, that is the one time I do buy water in plastic containers. I try to op for the gallon jug and refill my cup, but occasionally I buy a few 1-liter bottles if that’s the only option. Do what you got to do. 



Want the free PDF to track your water intake? It is as easy as can be. Just let me know what your email is below and I will send it right over. The print off fits on almost any cup or bottle and isn’t too big to take over your whole cup! 


I would love to send you my cute chart I made to help you track your water intake and to help you keep chugging along. Just enter your email and I will send it right over.

Don’t forget to say hey or give me a shout out on IG! Are we even friends yet of IG? Also I would love to cheer you on and give you a shout out of you drinking up. Tag me or @ me. @linjoylife #linjoylife

Speaking of drinking, have you tried my new favorite coffee?


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