Minimalist: 1 Small Bag for an Easy Weekend Getaway

Looking out the window of the airplane
Checking out the skies outside the window

Traveling can be expensive these days. Even flights like Allegiant, Spirit and Frontier that maybe have cheaper flights charge to bring a carry on luggage and often you have to pay for your seats. It can add up super quick.

My husband and I recently flew one of those flights and decided to only bring one bag each, ones that were free and fit under our seat. It was a challenge, but we definitely made it work! Since I am sure some of you have thought if this is possible or need tips, I thought I would share what I brought and focus on toiletries.

For a girl, I think this is where we really get stuck! Especially if we are going on a weekend trip, we want to make sure our face looks good, our legs are shaved, and we have everything else to feel fresh and great… and fingers crossed, it is not your time of the month where you need to bring even more toiletries!

Smiling on the plane

I wanted to show you what bags me and my husband use for one bag each. My husband uses a typical backpack with a soft section for a laptop. I don’t think he brought it this trip, but it is a nice feature on the backpack for sure!

I got a Vera Bradley bag for Christmas several years back and its a great size for under the seat. Since it is so light I have no problems carrying it on one shoulder, although I have put it on like a backpack before.

Husband walking onto the plane
Getting on the plane with my bag

Yes, I know it seems impossible…how can a girl fit all of her things into a bag that small?! It is a challenge for sure and you do have to make some sacrifices, so think about what you can do with out. Guys travel with a little less normally, so see if you can add a shirt or two into your hub’s/boyfriend’s/brother’s bag. Or if your are traveling with girl friends, try sharing items so you can bring less.

Two friends can split a small toothpaste or body wash or even a face wash. You can also make a pit stop at Target or Walmart once you land and gather your travel sized items there and toss them before you fly again… you might be wasting some, but cheaper than a carry on or checked bag!

Okay, now for what my husband and brought for toiletries and like I said some items were shared to make extra space.

Toiletries around the sink I packed

What I was able to fit in the bag:

From top left going counter clockwise:

2 toothbrushes
tiny lotion we saved from a previous hotel
toothpaste to share
prescription glasses
conttact soluttion
face wipes – won’t be stuck with a half full bottle
extra contacts for emergency
antibiotic eye drops in case I scratch my eye (yes they say pink eye relief but it works excellent for scratched eyes)
lubricant drops (my eyes are high maintenance)
baby power (used as a dry shampoo)
contact case
face lotion (extra thick because traveling makes my skin dry plus winter)
small deodorant to share
small body wash to share
small beard balm for my husband’s beard
small men’s styling cream

Extra tips for packing in one bag and making it possible:

-Shave your legs right before your trip.

-If you are on your time of the month, use a period cup to save space.

-Go light on makeup or share makeup items with your friends.

-If you are going somewhere where you know friends or family (like going home to see family), borrow basics from your sister or mom or aunt. I’m sure they can loan you sweats for around the house, a sleep t-shirt, or a sweater if you get cold. Items like that don’t have to fit perfectly!

-If you are going to a hotel or airbnb, they normally have basics like lotion and body wash.

-Wash your hair before you leave if you can stretch it a couple of days.

-Wash your travel clothes before heading home to wear the same travel clothes on return. You could even hand wash your shirt and leggings and dry them over the shower rod for travel clothes.

-Wear the same jeans both days, no one will notice.

Hope this helped!

Let me know if you have any questions.

For another travel hack check out my blog on staying in a luxury hotel!


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