Friday Five: 5 businesses with priceless presents

Hey Beauties!

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I can’t believe Thanksgiving has come and gone and it is now 32 days until Christmas! Ekkk!

I thought this Friday Five could not be more fitting than showcasing 5 businesses that have some amazing gifts that give proceeds to amazing causes: from helping orphans, to human trafficking, to supporting nonprofits; these business deserve a high five and support.

Christmas is about giving and what else is more fitting that shopping from businesses that help the needy!

I love hearing about these types of businesses, so drop me a message of other note worthy businesses or shoot me a message on IG @lintomasekbeauty. I know there are many I have missed, these are just a few of the many out there.

Until next time, I will see you later.



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