I talked about my favorite self tanners a good while back. In fact, it was one of my first blog post!

Since then I have tried a few more brands because I am all about finding a good self tanner that is for the right price! Plus like I mentioned before, I can have a super hard time finding the DEEP in my ole faithful Loreal Sumblime Bronze. I don’t know if they have stopped making it or what… but I can never find it on the shelf any more!

I recently grabbed a new kind… pic below!

And to be honest, I am not really sure where I got it. But I am going to take a pretty good guess that its from Amazon Prime

1. Because I saw that you can get it on Amazon when I just looked it up.

2. Because we use Amazon Smile ALL the time since our charity gets a donation from every order we make on stuff we were already going to buy.

Side Note: if you don’t know what I am talking about, instead of going to, next time type in and look for your favorite charity. You do nothing different after that. And if you forget and start piling up your “dream” cart in, but then later go over to, you will see your “dream” cart there too. It’s pretty awesome it’s linked together and yes, Prime works with too.

We have Freedom Trade – Location: Pelham, AL as our chosen non profit. If you want to know why we picked them head over to

Okay…back to the golden stuff! Here is a little sneaky, sneaky, peaky of the before and after!



Let it be known that I did not get the mitt that it is sometimes sold with on I do it will just my hands and it is perfect. No orange hands here.

Let’s get on with it!

Check out the video below and make sure to subscribe to my channel and give it a big thumbs up!

What other videos do you want to see? Shoot me a message or drop a comment in my insta: @lintomasekbeauty




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