SEXY LOOSE CURLS Video + Summer Moods!

Hi Summer Beauties!!!

Can you believe how warm and gorgeous it is outside? I don’t know about you but I am a summer girl 100 percent! I’m that weirdo that loves getting into a hot car on a hot summer day and just reclining my chair and taking a breather… cause you know we need them! Okay, maybe I am the only one that wants to do it in a hot car!

I don’t believe in spirit animals, but just for fun, if I had one, I think I would be a lizard. I know that’s not the cutest of animals but I just love finding a warm sunny spot and hanging out. I love being outside and all though I am not much for hiking or all that get your heart rate up activities, I call my self an outdoor lounger! Pool, beach, blanket in a park- that’s my kind of place!

(Well he’s kinda cute, am I right???)

And now for my latest You Tube video to help you beauties out! Summer is the perfect time to have those loose, romantic, bouncy curls that goes with any summer dress, or that chic pants suit outfit if you got to be stuck at work!

Let me know if you gave it a try and what you think!




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